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Found 18 matches, maximum distance for match: 2km.

Tags considered: building=chapel

On Wikipedia: Category:Chapels by country

Chapelle expiatoire (Q1062732) map en way Chapelle Expiatoire 0m church
Skull Chapel in Czermna (Q2879740) map en way Kaplica Czaszek 0m
York Unitarian Chapel (Q8055589) map en way York Unitarian Chapel 0m church
Rochuskapelle (Q464061) map en way Rochuskapelle 0m chapel
Blessed Sacrament Chapel (Q14688300) map en way Blessed Sacrament Chapel 0m chapel
Cappella Sansevero (Q897839) map en way The Sansevero Chapel Museum 0m church
Fiskebäck Chapel (Q10495773) map en way Fiskebäcks kapell 0m church
Chapel of Santa Ágata (Q3896289) map en way Capella de Santa Àgata 0m chapel
Sistine Chapel (Q2943) map en way Sistine Chapel 2m chapel
LLandaff Oratory (Q628483) map en node Llandaff Oratory 4m
Maesyronnen Chapel (Q6729371) map en node Maesyronnen Chapel 5m Grade I listed structure church
Ovetari Chapel (Q3087562) map en node Cappella Ovetari 10m work of art
St. Michael Chapel (Q376474) map en way Saint Michael's 12m church
Skinner Memorial Chapel (Q7535514) map en way Skinner Memorial Chapel 24m
Voorhees Chapel (Q16983023) map en way Voorhees Chapel 38m
St. Anne Shell Chapel (Q7587033) map en node Saint Anne Shell Chapel 39m chapel
Tellskapelle (Q3517394) map en way Tellskapelle 161m church
Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel (Q14167621) map en way Mildred B. Cooper Memorial Chapel 1283m church