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searching for Troy's House 3 found (6 total)

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Harper (film) (2,197 words) [view diff] case mismatch in snippet view article

Puddler unconscious. Taggert then joins Harper as they head back to Troy's house to check on the truck Betty warned Fay to head off on the phone. Harper
The Chumscrubber (2,936 words) [view diff] case mismatch in snippet view article find links to article
are unaware that he is even missing. Dean eventually agrees to go to Troy's house to find the drugs. Upon delivery, Billy discovers that the bag does not
The Unwanted (1,518 words) [view diff] case mismatch in snippet view article find links to article
checks the police station. There, she discovers the police were called to Troy's house. In Millarca's statement, she says she was having a lesbian affair with