Sumatran peat swamp forests – link to Toona

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== Flora and fauna ==
== Flora and fauna ==
The soil in the ecoregion is typically over 65%, with the peat at least 50 cm thick. Biodiversity and endemism of plants is relatively low, due to the specialized conditions of the soil. Habitat type depends on the local levels of nutrients and acidity, with the edges of the swamps generally more nutrient rich than the interior.<ref name="eoe"/> Characteristic trees of the region include ''[[Tristaniopsis obovata]]'', ''[[Ploiarium elegans]]'', ''[[Maasia glauca]]'', ''[[Toona ciliata]]'', ''[[Cocos nucifera]]'', ''[[Nypa fruticans]]'', and ''[[Stemonurus secundiflorus]]''. Peat swamps tend to support fewer species of wildlife than richer habitat; there are no endemic mammals in this ecoregion, and relatively few species of birds. Land clearance for development, particularly in the south, is putting more pressure on the peat swamp forests.<ref name="eoe"/>
The soil in the ecoregion is typically over 65%, with the peat at least 50 cm thick. Biodiversity and endemism of plants is relatively low, due to the specialized conditions of the soil. Habitat type depends on the local levels of nutrients and acidity, with the edges of the swamps generally more nutrient rich than the interior.<ref name="eoe"/> Characteristic trees of the region include ''[[Tristaniopsis obovata]]'', ''[[Ploiarium elegans]]'', ''[[Maasia glauca]]'', ''[[Toona]] ciliata'', ''[[Cocos nucifera]]'', ''[[Nypa fruticans]]'', and ''[[Stemonurus secundiflorus]]''. Peat swamps tend to support fewer species of wildlife than richer habitat; there are no endemic mammals in this ecoregion, and relatively few species of birds. Land clearance for development, particularly in the south, is putting more pressure on the peat swamp forests.<ref name="eoe"/>