Geocode coordinates to Commons Category

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API returns

  "admin_level": null,
  "commons_cat": {
    "title": "Bishopsgate, London (street)",
    "url": ""
  "coords": {
    "lat": 51.516367,
    "lon": -0.081725
  "wikidata": "Q19399894"

Wikidata item: Q19399894

Commons category: Bishopsgate, London (street)

5 surrounding elements found

name: Bishopsgate
boundary: political
political_division: ward
name: City of London
ref:gss: E09000001
alt_name: The City
boundary: administrative
ons_code: 00AA
wikidata: Q23311
ISO3166-2: GB-LND
wikipedia: en:City of London
short_name: London
admin_level: 6
designation: sui_generis
council_name: City of London Corporation
wikipedia:pl: pl:City of London
council_style: city
official_name: City and County of the City of London
name: Greater London
note: This is the jurisdiction of the Greater London Authority
ref:gss: E61000001
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q23306
wikipedia: en:Greater London
ref:nuts:1: UKI
admin_level: 5
council_name: Greater London Authority
official_name: Greater London
name: England
ref:gss: E92000001
boundary: administrative
wikidata: Q21
ISO3166-2: GB-ENG
wikipedia: en:England
admin_level: 4
name: United Kingdom
ref:gss: K02000001
boundary: administrative
currency: GBP
int_name: United Kingdom
timezone: Europe/London
wikidata: Q145
ISO3166-1: GB
wikipedia: en:United Kingdom
short_name: UK
admin_level: 2
native_name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
driving_side: left
official_name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ISO3166-1:alpha2: GB
ISO3166-1:alpha3: GBR
default_language: en
ISO3166-1:numeric: 826